
For Sale: Opel Rekord B - Finland

"Tästä varmatoiminen kesäauto tai mikseipä tosimiehelle hyvä luisuttelupeli talveksi. Auto on käyttökunnostettu vuosien 2004-2007 aikana. Hiekkapuhallettu, maalattu ja kaikki kuluvat osat on vaihdettu. Kunnostuksen jälkeen ajettu vain kesäisin. Pientä käytön jälkeä kerennyt jo tulemaan, mutta joka vuosi auto on katsastettu moitteitta. Sisusta vaatisi pientä korjausta esim. kattoverhoilu ja kuskin penkki. Ajoaikaa on 31.10.2014 asti. Muutosprosentteja autossa on 2.

Autossa on paikallaan 2,2-litrainen moottori, mutta alkuperäisen 1,7-litraisen moottorin saa mukaan.

Projektikuvia löytyy osoitteesta: www.kotinet.com/vlahti/garage/rekord/index.html"

Reg. No. BAG-28
Location: Raahe, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan
2 050 €

Link: www.nettiauto.com/en/opel/rekord/5941910


For Sale: 1964 Opel Rekord - Finland

"lievä projekti . meni talli alta.... ja aikaa ei laittaa tällä hetkellä ja talvi tulee ennnen kuin huomaakaan....opelissa kipinä hukassa ja lämppäri irti tällä hetkellä. ja jos haluaa vaihtaa sähkö johdot niin mukaana on johtosarja täydellisenä. VARATTU 01.10-13 ASTI"

Reg. No. TZU-49
2 000 €

Link: www.nettiauto.com/en/opel/rekord/5821073


For Sale: 1966 Rekord Caravan - Finland

"harvinainen opel rekord myynnis. maalattu viime vuonna, kasaamista ja jarru hommia vielä löytyy, paperit OK! vaihto kiinnostaa ainoastaan vanhaan traktoriin"

Location: Oravainen, Pohjanmaa, Finland
Reg. No. ABD-432
1 300 €

Link: www.nettiauto.com/en/opel/rekord/5876802


Pierre and Theo - 1966 Opel Rekord's - South Africa

"Pierre (Joubert) and Theo (Oosthuizen) each had a 1966 Opel Rekord, real dogs GM was then building under rising apartheid's local content programme, with primitive 2.1 litre 4 cyl Chev engines. The Chevy four was a chopped down version from the very successful Chevy sixes of the time, but suffered from excessive second harmonic vibration, a characteristic that is otherwise cancelled out in a six cylinder version of the same engine, or reduced by longer con rods. This engine not only had poor performance for it's size, but self destructed hang on parts like air cleaners and alternator brackets, all of which were later suitably beefed up. Many four cylinder engines have balance shafts to counteract this condition, but GM did'nt know about that at the time. or if they did, just accepted that a bit of vibration in a low revving tractor engine did'nt really matter

The Chevy could push the Rekord to around 140km/h, and with a compression ratio of 7.1 those Chevy's could probably have run on paraffin. This was part of a disasterous engine swop program GM had hurriedly embarked on when they threw millions at an otherwise very sophisticated engine plant. The low compression ratio was because in their mixing and matching of parts, a cylinder head with combustion chambers suiting the 230 six cylinder engine was accidentally placed on a block with bore sizes from the 194 six. They also made a gross error in downrating the diff ratio from 3.55 off the older Rekord with a smaller 1.7 litre German engine, to 3.67, when a far more suitable 3.08 ratio was available. This kind of thing happens when product engineering takes place in the front office between accountants and parts bin managers

The previous P3 Opel Rekords with their German engines had been in number 3 slot in sales, but with the Chevy engines Opel and GM's market share went into free fall. Theo and Pierre were both Opel lovers. Theo from a loyal GM supporting farming family, and Pierre an engineer in the said new engine plant, were distressed at that. So they set out to prove the cars could do better and started tinkering and tweaking, first raising the compression ratio by skimming a massive 3.5mm off the head, which made an immediate improvement, and then doing all the other things. They ran a sort of competition between themselves, both cars ultimately breaking the "ton" (160km/h). Impressive at the time, before the hot"

"Theo's Rekord was tested by Car (July 1967) click on pic to see report. Car was highly complimentary of Theo's Opel

GM eventually made a number of improvements to the Chevy engine through their own lumbering procedures but they never really recovered their position. They followed our example by raising the compression to 8.4:1 and later fitted an eight port head with Weber carbs. They also ran an incentive campaign to retrofit existing cars with Webers. They increased capacity to 2.5 litres by adopting the 230 bore size, and still later, down to 2.3 by shortening the stroke. The shortened stroke was a good move and reduced that second harmonic (which derives from the angularity of the conrod as the gurus would say). It became an OK engine for the time, but GM had damaged their reputation, and other things had happened in the market, like the growing Japanese presence and the growth of Mercedes and BMW. The Chevy four none the less continued in the GM family for a long time, in the US a Pontiac version later was known as the Iron Duke. There was controversy over the Pontiac version's relationship with the original Chevy version

The sad ending for South Africa is that during the time of disinvestment in the 1980s, the fickle GM management decided to can the South African engine plant. It was first mothballed and later all that wonderful machinery was sold for scrap on an auction that lasted two days. At the other end of town GM's long time rival, Ford, also had an engine plant, but they bit the bullet, retooled their plant and to this day it is in production serving the local and export markets."

Source: www.septua.co.za/pierre_joubert_files/sunpacer_car.htm


For Sale: Opel Rekord B oldtimer LPG - Netherlands


"heerlijke blijvend belastingvrije oldtimer Opel Rekord B met blauw interieur met voorbank.
Auto rijdt op LPG.
ik heb toen ik de auto kocht direct de accu en dynamo vervangen, auto start direct (ook bij koud weer) en rijdt zoals je van een auto verwacht, maar dan met iets meer bekijks.

vloerschakeling, 4 versnellingen.

ik heb de originele radio in de auto geïnstalleerd, en deze werkt ook na 48 jaar nog zoals het hoort.
APK geldig tot 4 juli 2014.
origineel nederlands kenteken.

prijsindicatie: € 3.300,-
bekijken van de auto kan op afspraak na werktijd of in het weekend. proefrijden alleen voor serieus geïnterreseerden.

aanvulling: met de aangescherpte MRB-vrijstelling blijft deze auto belastingvrij (ouder dan 40 jaar)

Link: www.speurders.nl/overzicht/autos/opel/opel-rekord-b-oldtimer-133810150.html



"Plasticart Opel Rekord Coupé plastic with friction motor. Made in the DDR, but retailed in in BRD - this one has a price sticker on DM1,79.
The bottom of the box is printed: "made in GDR - Art.-Nr. 27050. In addition there is a rubber stamp with: Art. Nr 23450 HSL Nr 5441 110 (which I think is the manufacter's reference) and a retail price (EVP) of 4,40 M - East Marks."

Source: www.flickr.com/photos/59462625@N02/9713401773/


For Sale: 1965 Opel Rekord 2600 Coupe - Finland

Olen omistanut auton 20 v ja hoitanut sen hyvin. Luultavasti tämä on ainoa kappale Suomessa 6 cyl. ja 2,6 L Coupé. Museokatsastettu.

10 000 €

Link: http://www.nettiauto.com/opel/rekord/5847070


For sale: 1966 OPEL Rekord - Germany


Hallo, Ihr habt jetzt die Chance einen selten gewordenen Rekord B zu erwerben. Die Innenausstattung wurde schon erneuert und das Fahrzeug ist nicht in der Garage verkommen sondern wurde bei passender Witterung fast täglich gefahren. KM Stand abgelesen. Am Lack und an Kleinigkeiten ist noch etwas Arbeit übrig, aber nichts was länger dauert. Kunstleder und den Chromkeder für Front und Heckscheibe werden mitgegeben. Der Vorbesitzer hat einen 1900er Motor verbaut, orginal war es ein 1500er. Videolink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-avR5SO8-eY&feature=youtu.be NEUER TÜV + 500 Euro

Erstzulassung: 6/1966
Kilometerstand: 93.200 km
Preis: 2.989 EUR

Link: http://kleinanzeigen.ebay.de/anzeigen/s-anzeige/opel-rekord/131623248-216-19061